Monday, August 07, 2006 @ 10:46 PM
Back to post..I cant bear to see the class blog rust! XD
Jeremy Low told us that Mrs Chang told them that we(our class,6D) are all idiots.1
.......HATE HERRRRR ~! Theres not much to blog about these days,we all face the stress of PSLE and to (some) of our teachers, we have no stress at all,because they think we play all day! Like...what?!
Oh yeah,anyone watch Ghost Whisperer? ITS NICEY! xD [I said that outta boredom]
Hope everyone can cope wit' the stress,cos' it sucks real badly. Our PSLE Oral is next week,too...Wow. time flies. =(
Thats it for these few days[-ish] , there's actually not much to blog about our class.[thats because we drive our teachers up the wall and cause so much trouble that we're so used to it! XD]