Sunday, August 17, 2008 @ 7:05 PM
Revamping site.
Genevieve here.
I sort of have plenty of time on my hands now and so, I have decided to create a new blogskin for this blog. :D
I know, many people may say that they still want this skin to remain as it is, but I was just thinking, "Everyone has changed, hasn't they?"
I've been bloghopping from ex-Pasirian's blogs to another and I've seen how chio the girls have become, and how more mature-looking the guys look...
EVERYONE HAS CHANGED! In one way or another.
So I'm pretty sure everyone else from 6D'06 has changed as well, whether physically or mentally, and although I have kept in touch with some of us, there are others whom I have not seen since graduation!
This blog has gotta move on and switch from super old and out-dated CSS codes to better ones.
It pains me to edit the blogskin because I'm already used to the simpler kinds of CSS codes. :/
So, yeah. I'm making a new blogskin and no one is gonna stop me. :E
You can check out it's progress/status here, if you want to.
Okay, second.
Jaskiran has suggested that we all get together on Halloween and dress up for Trick-or-treat and hang around Orchard Road. LOL.
Hahaha, but we can start from there, right?
Let's change it to a normal gathering that is NOT in Orchard, because I know that there are some people who have curfews and cannot travel that far. Plus, Orchard sounds really hectic so we can decide on another venue.
Jaskiran suggested that it be on 31st October, which is on a Friday!
Now, this sort of poses of a problem because if we have to meet up after school, we would have lesser time and also have to deal with people who cannot come out at night.
Inform us via the tagboard if you have a problem with going out at night.
An alternative solution would be to have the gathering the following day, which is a Saturday, on 1st September.
Which reminds me of Teacher's Day, which most schools probably would celebrate on the 31st Oct. If we manage to drag Miss Yeap along on Saturday...
Woohoo, we can celebrate Teacher's Day with her! :D
Then it'd be a 2-in-1 celebration. (:
Anyway, ideals and such aside, we are still gonna track down and locate the other missing people in 6D'06 so if you're gonna help locate them, do inform them about the upcoming outing that has yet to be organised! :D
The important part:
What we need to do now, other than locate the others, is to have a team of people to organise the outing.
This will involve people being in charge of events, communication, logistics, operations and so on.
If you wish to be part of the team and organise the outing, inform either me or Jaskiran! You can tag on the tagboard or reach us by email/MSN/Friendster.
Me: marinegen22@hotmail.com
Jaskiran: jaz_coolpup_1994@hotmail.com
Phone numbers will be given if asked.
Just to let you all know, Jaskiran will be migrating later this year, so we have to make this outing possible before she leaves Singapore! D:
6D'06, let us all cooperate and make this a success.
I hope we all get good response!