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Thursday, September 28, 2006 @ 10:00 PM

ii juz lurrve us! awwww... ourr last yr together huh? iim gonna miiss u all !! make surre u'll make iinto exprress strream k? norrt onii dat,, muz be iintoo better skool!

gd luk ya? 1 morre week onii nehz! wad rr wee gonna duu nxt yr? ii cant even tink orrf iit !! look at ourr smiilliin faces!! ahhhhh!! so kawaii nehz! lurrb us ferreba!!

trry norrt tuu get Ms Yeap morre angry! Especiially Ms Liim! ii niid help wiib my Science!! hah! Ppl stiill playiin now ya? Soo obviiouss,, thosse ppl hu doesn't carre bout PSLE. . .

heyz! ii go liiaoz nehz.. biiez

Friday, September 22, 2006 @ 1:51 PM
Early Chid day cele

Pris :

It's early children's day celebration! Coz of de malay's fastin(?!)... den 4 P6 most is oni work... work... work... work... but not all tchers lar.... if now like dis... den we die die... sec for sure is NO CELEBRATION! AR!!!!! CAN U IMAGINE DAT?! NO RITE?! DEN... we die.... hahaZ... but at least Mrs Pang got giv present lar! tot we goin do work... work... work... but lucky lor... gav out presents by birthday... frm small?! noooooooo... i march... T.T boyz so lucky hor can get all da white de ladybugg...
nth else 4 me to say 4 now... so, i'm typin off!

Saturday, September 16, 2006 @ 7:57 PM
Pre-PSLE Depression/Stress?

Ahh yeahhs. PSLE iis curentlyy less denn 3 weeks awayy, n ppl r gettinqq derr gitterrs. How... NORMAL. :)

iids actuallyy okayys larhhs. iiF euu nortt nervous/anxious/scared, denn euur an alien. :D:D Howeverr rite, rmbr ourr (muchh dislikedd) Mrs Pang's words of wisdom. Herr naggingg sounds lykk scoldingg whilst herr scoldingg sounds lykk barkingg. Howeverr, take note of how useful iid can bcum whenn euu leddid run thru euur head for awhile. :)

She once saidd sumthingg lykk "Too nervous can b a disadvantage.". OF COS.

Example1: Euu r plyingg a damnedd gd computerr game. Euu finally reachedd derr final stage n suddenlyy gedd derr gitters cuz euu've neva triedd derr stage b4, n derr stage iisnt easyy tuu gedd tuu. Denn, iin oni aboudd a minute, euu diie. N y, euu askk. CUZ EUUR SO GITTERY N NERVOUS DATT EUU ONI CONCENTRATEDD ON WHETHER EUU WILL GEDD THRU DERR STAGE OR NOT, INSTEADD OF CONCENTRRATINGG ON PLYING.

Same goes forr us. We come tuu a qs datt we've neva solvedd b4, n euu start countingg derr number of pages/qs euu haf left cuz euur soo kan chiongg. :) Denn euu start worryingg on whetherr euu will haf enuff time tuu do derr qs, n instead waste time on worryingg n countingg pages/qs.

Example 2: ORAL TIME! iids euur PSLE oral n euu gedd derr gitters. Denn when euu in holdingg room datt time, euu supposedd tuu run thru euur notes budd euu insteadd bite euur nails n worryy aboudd whether euu'll stutter/speak or pronounce wrongg. Denn when iids euur turn tuu b testedd... euu stutter, euu speak wrongg words, euu pronounce words wrongg. Denn in holdingg room datt time, euu break down/regret wadd euu did earlier on.


C wadd ii meann? :) Anw, ii've updatedd our site's poll n replacedd iid wiif a MINI poll. MOre convienient, ehh? XDD

Oso, nortt muchh ppl haf been updatingg derr blogg. :S Shood ii tell Ms Yeap aboudd diis site now? N oya. OUR CLASS PIX HAVENT COME YET!! NOW ALRDYY MONTH 9! KAO. nn

Ahh yeahhs. iiF derr pix dunn come yet, i'll complain. :D

TTFN (TaTa For Now),