Saturday, August 30, 2008 @ 10:45 PM
Happy Teachers' Day Miss Yeap!
Samantha hereeee :D
When back to school on 29/8 to PRPS and saw many people.
Many people had changed alot!!!
Saw alot ex-6diligence classmates like:
Darryl, Ern, Ammar, Clement, Gen, Hei Wo, Kaiwen, Crystal Tay and Yan Lei. =)
and of course chatted with dearest Ms Yeap :D
Took a sneak picture of Ms Yeap ;D

Dearest Ms Yeap ♥ (arms akimbo)
Anyway, the layout for the class blog is finally changed,
credits to Gen :D
By the way, saw some people during the Sing Singapore 2008
I hope everyone would be reunited again, with Miss Yeap (of course)
Everyone, good luck for your EOYs!