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Wednesday, October 25, 2006 @ 8:24 PM
Injectiion .

We hadd tehh iinjectiion tuudayy~~ XD nortt paiin right? NORT PAIN RIGHT? ii mean, NO ONE CRIED, whiich wazz gd. :D:D

LOLS. Kiim sayy derr syrup tasted lykk chicken. ii found iid bitter. eRn lykk iid n saiid iid sorta tasted lykk eggs. LOL . Diiff peeps, diiff taste buds. XD

haiiz. went forr backbone checkup too (applies oni for girls), derr nurse saiid miine wazz slightly curvedd. same goes for Crystal Tan. =/

ii sumhow felt lykk derr 1st jab wazz more paiinful. >.<>.< budd horhh, 1st one more painful denn 2nd lorhhs. 1st one was lykk.. uhms. lykk a needle pokiinqq thruu euur skiin. 2nd one damned fast. =/

Ouhh wells. Nthh muchh tuu sayy alrdyy.


Friday, October 20, 2006 @ 7:32 PM

W0O~ PSLE'S OVER. XD Ouhh, n gd jobb wiif datt blogskiin, eRn. =]

euu noe, when we came backk tuu skewl aftr PSLE, we had a PE sessionn n tehh gurls battledd 6C iin captaiin's ball. gueSS waD? WE WON. W0O. Oya. derr bball boyys gortt challenge oso? didi euu guyzz wiiN? N waddaboudd derr soccer boyys? did euu guyyz wiin tuu? XDD

Anw, "????" iis DEFINETELY sumone from ourr class, ii NOE IID. "????" definetely scores average forr englishh, from derr wayy he/she typedd iin our tagboardd. y, euu mayy askk. cuz, rightt afterr miss yeapp toldd derr class aboudd derr bloqq, "????" posted. n he/she noes crystal, clement n janan. =/

Anw, iids a happii occasionn, soz we shood hav fun, huh? =]


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 @ 4:13 PM

No lessons, no studyinqq, no homework! Wadd cood b more betta denn diis? XD

Oya. Dere's diis gay hu's spamminqq our class bloqq mini poll. ii noe one suchh iidiot budd ii tiink dere's more ppl out dere hu tiink iids funny. anw, iiM gonna reset derr minipoll n set sum sorta thingyy datt prevents spamminqq. =/

ii wanna make a new blogskin for diis bloqq, budd iiM alrdyy heldd upp makinqq one for derr habbo fan siite datt iiM DJ-inqq at. =/ ii'll tryy tuu make time. (PS ii didnt do diis blogskin - eRn did iid! XD)

Ouhh wells, siince diis is our class bloqq, we can post manii things. But, howeverr, ii dunn tiink iids a gd idea tuu giv out derr acc passwordd (Euu noe perfectlyy whyy). Insteadd, euu can emaiil mii wad euu wanna put up at derr siite n i'll gladyy post iid for euu. :D:D:D (PS Ern's, Crystal's, Pristine's and my email address r foundd at derr "The people" part.

Lalalalas. XDD Oya. Dose huu post entriess horr, plz place euur name at derr bottom of every entryy euu postedd. :)


Tuesday, October 10, 2006 @ 6:21 PM


Sunday, October 08, 2006 @ 3:26 PM
...ii cant evenn bearr tuu tiink of iid. T-T

PSLE Science iis 2moro. English, Maths, and Mother Tongue r alrdyy finishedd wiif. Tiime certaiinlyy fliies. Idd seemed lykk iid wazz juz ystrd whenn iid wazz juz derr start of skewl.

After all, we actuallyy spent 6 yearrs of ourr lyyf here! Havinqq tuu leave PRPS wood meann leavinq our immature n childish selves behind. Havinqq tuu leave PRPS meanns movinqq on tuu b teenagers. Havinqq tuu leave PRPS wood meann nortt beinqq childrenn anim0re. Havinqq tuu leave PRPS meanns clearinqq upp maii messyy n unorganisedd bookshelf clutteredd wiif primaryy skewl books datinqq backk tuu P3 (=x). I DUN WANNA LEAVE PRPS.

iids Sundae. 2moro's Mondae, oso our Science PSLE. On Tuesdae, iids Higher Mother Tongue. Gd lukk tuu Kai Wen. Pass wiif flyinqq colours. Denn, on Wednesdae, iid wood b tiime for mii tuu remindd Miss Yeap tuu tell derr class aboudd diis bloqq. Tiime certaiinlyy flies (did ii mentiionn datt earliierr?).

ii dunt wanna leave PRPS. ii wanna stayy. ii wanna freeze tiime. ii wanna enjoyy dose earlyy tiimes agaiin n agaiin. ii wanna savourr derr feelinqqs once more. Howeverr, ii noe iids tuu late. Lookinqq at ourr class piix definetelyy makes mii feel... uhh. w`eva.

Dose or euu readinqq diis... plz dun leave diis bloqq. Stayy n visit frequentlyy. Hu noes? Mayb we'll arrange a class reunion partyy?

Budd all datt aside. Gd lukk tuu evryyone for derr Science exams 2moro. Andd gd lukk especiallyy tuu Kai Wen. Do well forr euur Higher Mother Tongue.

TTFN (TaTa For Now),