Tuesday, November 14, 2006 @ 1:42 PM
Graduation day
Ok...we're gonna be leaving this school soon!
Yesterday was our official last day of school in Pasir Ris Primary School. I'm glad my mother made me come to this school,otherwise i would not have met everyone of the great friends i have today.
We'll be meeting again on Thursday, 16th November 2006 at WWW at 1.30pm [*hinthintsituationalwritinghinthint*]
Wipe your tears [ if any] 'cos we'll be keeping in touch!
Cya all on Thursday! :D
Sunday, November 12, 2006 @ 4:46 PM
Hell, stopp derr crapp.
eRn, ii noe yuu r tehh one whose postiinqq all datt crapp. fancyy postiinqq "crap" n "yay.... another crap". iim nortt gonna delete iid, so datt ppl can readd iid n go laf at yuu. (: anw, stopp postiinq all datt crapp cuz iids makiinqq mii crappyy.
Ouhh heckk, wadd sortta crapp m ii sayyiinq?! >.<