wadds tehh latest update nw? ii dunno.
wadds derr next coming event? CNY ii suppose.
CNY. CNY. CNY. Hmmmmms. ii wanna cisit PRPS on CNY. providedd we noe whenn lahhs.
someone shudd really findd out and CONFIRM whenn derr bloody hell PRPS iis holdingg derr CNY celebrationn.
yuu wuudnt wanna enter skewl early in daa morningg n denn find out datt derr skewl iis havingg iids usual lessons.
caan someone PLEEEASE confirmm? >__<
nn maybb laterwardds ii will SMS Miss Yeap. budd she vehh slow in replyingg lehhs. O_o
budd iids okayy. still one more monthh, no rushh rushh. :D
buhhbies. will update next time; providedd ii free enuff, or have anythingg tuhh blog about.
ohhs. nn watch THIS. FUNNY VIDEO. X)